*For the first time ever: Europe-friendly Zoom call times

THE PATH is a series of online courses that present a step-by-step process for healing, breaking cycles, and self-actualization. 

Integrating the wisdom of Buddhism, the clarity of trauma theory, and the precision of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, we will progressively work towards meaningful and lasting change across every arena of our lives.

Through compassion-centered meditation, live Zoom calls, readings, journal prompts, and pre-recorded dharma talks, Ralph brings you the deepest tools from their 20+ years of practice and study and their time mentoring with Richard Schwartz.

If you are experiencing repetitive patterns — be they patterns of thought, emotional cycles, compulsive behaviors, or cycles in intimate and interpersonal relationships, you’ve come to the right place.

The truth is, we already have everything we need within us to move in the direction of healing and transformation.

What we all need is support in accessing this.

*Flexible payment options and no one turned away for lack of funds.

If you’ve taken online courses with Ralph before, you can expect a similar approach but with new meditations and new insights. Most of Ralph’s previous courses (Chrysalis and Coming Home in particular) were recorded 2019-2020. Since then, Ralph has continuously studied, practiced, been in therapy, wrote books, casually survived a pandemic, and mentored with Richard Schwartz.

“I’m very honored to have Ralph as an influential and authentic partner in our effort to bring collective awareness and healing through IFS. His journey from suffering to shining is inspiring and instructive and his integrating IFS with Buddhism and meditation makes his a uniquely valuable voice. De La Rosa entwines neurobiology, spirituality and parts work in an intriguing way and offers powerful experiential exercises that bring his approach to life.”

—Richard Schwartz,
founder and developer of the Internal Family Systems model

If you are a “yes” to one or more of the following:

  • You feel stuck, like there’s some piece of the truth you must be missing

  • You like the idea of self-compassion, but experiencing self-compassion is another story

  • You want practices + learning to support your ongoing therapy

  • You’ve been to therapy and needed something more instructive and engaging

  • You’ve tried all the things and still feel half-healed

  • You desire community with folks who are healing and growing like you are 

  • You long for a space that’s non-hierarchical, where your inner wisdom is just as important as anyone else’s and the “teacher” is someone doing the work alongside you

  • You’re a helping professional interested in IFS training (which is best learned experientially)

  • You desire an experiential exploration of Buddha Nature (a.k.a. the heart of compassionate action)

  • You want to begin, refresh, or deepen your meditation practice

    …this is for you

“A mirror becomes a razor when it is broken. A stick becomes a flute when it is loved.”
—Yoko Ono


A mix of self-paced content and weekly live Zoom calls. 


  • One or more guided meditations that deepen as we go

  • Pre-recorded dharma talk (20-30 mins)

  • Handout to accompany the talk

  • Reading assignment + journal prompt

  • Online discussion forum moderated by the amazing Tess Felder 

  • Four group Zoom calls with Ralph on Wednesdays

    • Your choice:

      • Evening: 5-6pm PT / 8-9pm ET

      • Mid-day: 11am-12pm PT / 2-3pm ET (Europe-friendly option)

  • All Zoom calls are recorded and shared the next day to course participants


  • Ideal time investment: 2 - 4 total hours per week. You’ll be supported in however deep you choose to go (or not go).

  • You do not have to do every single thing offered to get substantial benefit 

  • Optional private sessions with Ralph are available

  • Each module is four weeks

  • You can begin any time in Modules 1-4

  • Readings assigned from The Monkey Is the Messenger: Meditation and What Your Busy Mind Is Trying to Tell You by (ahem) Ralph De La Rosa 



“Ralph has this wildly open, honest compassion that shows you what radically loving yourself actually means.” 

—Susie Bertie, Personal Assistant 

“I was able to get back to myself after a long period of basically being stuck. By far these are the most effective practices and methods I’ve ever learned.”

—Luca, Clothing Designer

"I just wanted to let you know that although I didn't do things when or how I was supposed to, I have gone through most of the course material (with the exception of the live group video discussions), and it is really fabulous-- SO SO SO SO great, and something I deeply need, even though I had absolutely no notion of what it was or how it would apply to me before we started."

—Sarah, Course Participant

Each module can be taken as a stand alone experience, or you can take them as an immersive series. It is up to you. You can also begin any time between Modules 1-4.

Each module is four weeks and each week includes all the content described under “How It Works”

3 modules. How to access self-compassion and use it for healing.

Rest, Resourcing, and Reclaiming Sanity


We start where we are: most likely overworked, needing some care, wanting to feel better. In this module, we focus on reconnecting to the more essential aspects of our lives: body, breath, the Earth, and how to experience compassion directly. We bring relief and rest to the nervous system, explore the challenges involved in letting go, and release help tension in the body. You’ll learn some of the neuroscience of embodied presence, the art of emotional self-regulation, pain management techniques, how trauma works, and how to access the resources of compassion.

Expanding What We Thought Was Possible


In this module, you’ll get an Introduction to IFS, including an intro to parts work meditation (which unfolds differently outside the therapy room), and begin working directly with parts of you that may be stuck. You’ll learn several ways of getting to self-love—what IFS calls “Self energy”, even when you can’t seem to find it inside. You’ll also learn a method developed by neuroscience for helping positive states to rewire our nervous system more deeply. 

Managing Our Lives with Empowerment and Dignity


“Managers” are the aspects of our psyche that organize our lives, avoid distress, cling to habits, generate endless thoughts, repress and regulate emotions, and maintain the status quo. We wouldn’t survive without these parts of us, and they are also the gatekeepers of the changes we seek. In this module, you’ll learn how to relate directly to these parts of yourself, how to address our instinctive fear of change, how to address inner conflict and polarization, develop a vision of what a life of mature freedom and happiness looks like for you (it looks different for everybody), and begin taking steps in that direction. You’ll also learn the 6F’s, an approach for working fruitfully with just about any part of you. 

Three modules. How to become your own therapist.

Working with Big Emotions and Habits


Anger, panic, inner critics, dissociation, resentment, compulsive behaviors, automatic and involuntary reactions…

The parts of the psyche that hold these patterns and potentials might be extreme and reactive, but only to the extent that we perceive vulnerability and threat. The truth is, these are some of the most powerful aspects of our being—what if they could become our allies? What if we could enhance the awareness of these parts of ourselves? In this module, we’ll explore some of the wisest ways we could protect ourselves and guard our wellbeing in the face of difficulty. Using the wealth of tools we’ve cultivated together, we’ll process how these patterns began for us, begin to take back our sanity, and end the war inside.

Healing Pain, Shame, and Fear


The parts of us that hold the most vulnerable burdens and wounds lie at the epicenter of every repetitive pattern and cycle in our lives. Paradoxically enough, these are also the parts that hold our deepest joy, our propensity for play and fun, and endless creative spark. In this module, we’ll begin getting to know these parts. You’ll learn how to apply the methods you’ve learned to bring relief, healing, and hope to these wounded places. Along the way, you can begin reclaiming some of the good qualities you lost along the way. 

Intermediate Parts Work: Meditation with Subsystems or “Clusters”


*Prerequisite: Modules 1-5 or a conversation with Ralph. If you are an experienced with IFS and meditation and want to begin here, write ralph@ralphdelarosa.com

At this point, the following is most likely true: You have amassed an arsenal of healing methods, your self-awareness has greatly increased, you’ve had transformational experiences doing parts work, you are beginning to trust yourself more, trust life more, and know how to navigate relationships with more clarity. You’re ready to dive into the deep end of the pool (with support, of course). 

In this module, we put everything we’ve learned together and continue our parts work in a manner that honors the full complexity of your world. You will begin working with parts in clusters, you will learn parts mapping, you will learn advanced and nuanced ways of compassionately exploring your inner world to deepen the evolution you have begun. Most chiefly, you will begin healing your Exiled parts at an even deeper level than before. 

Three modules: Discharging trauma from the body and basking in joy

Intermediate Parts Work: Rewiring Harmful Memories and Core Beliefs 


*Prerequisite: Modules 1-5 or a conversation with Ralph. 

All traumatic stress, emotional patterns, and core beliefs boil down to the ways memories live in our nervous systems. In this module we’ll safely go directly into core memories, bring Self energy to the situation, stand up to bullies and abusers, reclaim our power, and rescue the Exiled parts stuck in these places. We rewire the ways these memories live in our bodies and bring truth to the harmful, confused beliefs we picked up along the way. This prepares the ground for Unburdening.

Intermediate Parts Work: The Final Healing

BEGINS MAY 21, 2025

*Prerequisite: Modules 1-5 or a conversation with Ralph. 

What is absorbed can be released. What’s been wired into the nervous system can be wired out. Most wounds are not permanent. Most traumas can be healed. The ones that remain—their cracks can be filled with gold. In this module, we work with parts to directly discharge the stored emotional energy from past experiences from the body. This opens up space for us to claim and reclaim desirable and heart-centered qualities that help us lead lives of wisdom, freedom, and altruism.

Advanced Parts Work: Esoteric Aspects of IFS and Buddhist Yoga

BEGINS JUNE 18, 2025

*Prerequisite: Modules 1-5 or a conversation with Ralph. 

As one deepens on the path of healing and meditation, one begins to notice things at a more subtle level. This fruitional module explores experiences such as intuition and guidance, cleaning the emotions we take on for others, absolute vs. relative reality, and the subtle body. We will also take a moment to reflect and celebrate all we’ve accomplished together.

 As the Buddha exclaimed upon liberation from suffering, “Done is what had to be done!”


“As a long-term Buddhist meditation practitioner and dabbler in IFS, Ralph’s extensive experience of Buddhist meditation combined with Internal Family Systems is the most potent, powerful effective method I’ve come across. You can tell Ralph takes their students needs incredibly seriously and holds their needs, both scary and joyous, with deep intuitive reverence so they can discover a true opening to freedom. I am blessed to have found Ralph’s work, and plan to continue working with them for a long time. The community aspect of the courses is an important component for me, the respect and safety that was emphasized and modeled by Ralph made me be able to see my own path with clarity and mirrored in others. A unique, needed, healing process.”

Angela L. - Artist, Meditation Teacher 

These courses are guided by the following principles:

  • Radical non-pathology: The audacious notion that nothing is wrong with you. You’re not broken, dysfunctional, or neurotic. You had to figure out how to survive and feel emotionally safe in some tough situations, though. You were also born into an emotionally unintelligent society where aggression is normal and conformity is demanded. Whatever’s driving you to this course—be it depression, anxiety, relationship rollercoasters, grief, self-medication cycles, or simply the sense that there must be more—is the product of how you adapted to all this. And it worked. You survived. And it is also an excellent idea to evolve now. 

  • Compassion first: Compassion is the strongest, cleanest fuel for healing and growth. Curiosity is the doorway to removing obstacles and past conditionings. Self-love is the essential nutrient we’re hungry for. If self-shaming and self-punishment worked, you wouldn’t be reading this.

  • Start where you are: Whatever the level (or lack) of trauma, whether you’re a beginning meditator or a fifth-level bodhisattva, we all start in the same place: what it’s like here and now. We all do the same work, even if at different levels of subtlety. And we will all mess up, miss a day, get behind, etc. In these courses, the invitation is to continually accept where we are, and keep going from there. (If you’re getting the vibe that you’re allowed to be utterly human around here, good.)

  • Community amplification: Healing in isolation is one thing, healing with folks who are having their own insights and breakthroughs amplifies our own process—even for introverts who are attached to our pillow forts.

  • Meditation is a must: We all know change comes from within, but how much time do we spend there, within? If we want our lives to evolve, we simply must relate directly to what’s happening inside of us. Meditation offers us a self-governed home base where we can do inner work any time, anywhere, and free of charge. The meditations offered here different. They are an invitation to a kind of self-relationship that’s only available when we spend time inside. Busy minds are welcome here.

“I was a little skeptical of doing online trauma work but Ralph has beautifully adapted his in-person style to fit the digital format. It feels like he's physically in the room with me. During his courses I've rediscovered my resilience, made peace with some of my traumas and found so much joy in my life. I cannot recommend Ralph's courses enough, and if you get the chance, make sure you take one of his workshops/classes in real life!"

—Sabrina, Office Manager in New York

Thanks to the inner work I have done with Ralph De La Rosa (online classes), I feel hopeful that I don’t have to live in fear anymore. I now find myself every once in a while, bubbling with creativity and spontaneous joy. This is huge for me, I’m 61 years old and I spent most of those years with variable degrees of fear. I wish you all the same path to freedom.

—V Hamel, physical therapist

"My work with Ralph opened up a whole new way of looking at life. I was finally able to look inside myself, and not be afraid of what I would find. He teaches love and compassion, for oneself and for the world, which he models meticulously for his students. At the same time, he is real, human and flawed like the rest of us, and there is no shame in letting that show. Ralph's classes are relevant, gentle and powerful, along with a dose of humor and social relevance. He leaves me wanting more each week..."  

—Joanne O., Retired Educator

I started with Ralph’s Self Love course in an attempt to improve my relationship with myself and others and after a very tough break up. Since I’m based in Singapore with a full time job, I am very fortunate that Ralph offers the course online in a format that allows for interaction with some self-study - a good mix of  immersion in the course without disrupting the rest of whatever I have going on.

I then went on to do Unstuck and Coming Home - while I had expected on being a little less sad, I couldn’t for the life of me imagine learning a life long skill that not only has helped me with my relationships but also with anxiety, stress and most importantly given me the clarity to live life 3D. In his very unique and relatable style Ralph teaches parenting yourself which is bringing out the best version of myself.

I plan to continue on to join his future courses. 

—Shivani B, Banker

“With vast knowledge & skill steeped in social work, counseling, punk rock, mediation instruction along with his own recovery journey, Ralph De La Rosa  creates a welcome & wise path of skillful means for healing & insight.   

My PTSD had been a hated & shameful part of me for forty years, and over the course of working thru Ralph’s courses, reading his books and doing the work, I found my own path of transformative healing.”

—Susie Bertie, personal assistant 

“Ralph is a rare find, a teacher that exudes compassion and wisdom that combines spirituality, psychotherapy and parts work. But more importantly it is his humanness that is a lighthouse for so many students. In a sea of teachers, he stands out as the real deal, walking a path of humility, service, and deep commitment for change."

—Mark P., NYC

"Chrysalis gave me what I needed to finally get me over PTSD. I can hardly believe how transformative it was, I'm still using the techniques I learned in the course to help me become more resilient and to grow every day."

—S.H ., Physician

 "No one does it alone…If you want more space for your Self, Ralph is the one…. his ‘what does that feel like?’ style is helping me and my parts become a more balanced system.  What a feeling!  Ralph is a compassionate, generous and loving guide for healing and the community is a refuge.  

—Ronnie (woman of many hats for 67 years), continuing student of Ralph’s for over a year

"I have been on a journey to heal from depression, anxiety, panic, childhood trauma and chronic pain for the past 20+ years I took Ralph's Redefining Self Love course earlier this year…

Wow! Ralph, in my opinion, is one of the most insightful, compassionate and skilled teachers that I have come across to date. He has the academic understanding as well as the insight gained from extensive lived experience that enable him to create a space for learning that is safe, effective and fun. I will absolutely be doing another course soon. Thank you Ralph 🙏"

—Nick C - Connection Support Coordination - Mental Health / Aged Care 

"I signed up for Ralph’s mediation classes because I had no idea what meditation  actually was and wanted to figure it out. The definitions I read or heard did not make sense. Ralph’s meditation classes were a gradual experiential unfolding that instilled a daily mediation practice, during which I eventually found the answer I was seeking. An unexpected major bonus was that Ralph can be really funny!"

Cynthia R.

"Ralph De La Rosa is a gift. My wish is that everyone would access and utilize the skills and tools he teaches. Ralph is a true healer."

—Anne-Marie, Student

"Ralph’s life-changing teachings are overflowing with wisdom, honesty, and love. In a world full of charlatans, it’s refreshing to learn from someone so earnest. He has done the hard work, continues to do the hard work, and therefore can offer practices that have helped me “meet” and love myself in a way I never imagined possible. It’s not an easy journey, but staying with it brings valuable insights that have staying power."

Sheila S., Student in Coming Home Forever

"Ralph De La Rosa is a gifted, dedicated and caring human being and teacher. The combination of meditation plus parts work that forms the basis of their courses, meditations and books creates an empowering journey of self-healing that has forever changed my life for the better."

Kim M., Attorney

Unstuck gave me unique and life changing tools, a new and more profound perspective on meditation, as well as an different sense of inner confidence I never had before. Thank you Ralph for helping me out in a very tough time, it is because of unstuck I was able to get back to myself after a long period of basically being stuck. I’ve kept the practices close to my heart and by far these are the most effective practices and methods I’ve ever learnt.

—Luca, Clothing Designer.

"I was introduced to Ralph’s work by a dear friend who was concerned with my level self criticism at a very difficult time in my life. I started with just listening to some of Ralph’s free talks and meditations, later making a commitment to walking twenty minutes a day, and to attempting to restart a meditation practice, bit by bit, which had fallen away for many years. I began to feel better. I eventually enrolled in Ralph’s Redefining Self Love course. I did the work. It was hard. But today, instead of lying on the sofa in both psychological and physical pain and feeling sorry for myself and the state of the world, I have re-engaged in life and am empowered to Just Keep Going (best advice ever). Not every day is beautiful but with Ralph’s insightful and compassionate teachings I have tools to help me along. 

—Wendy, Film Technician, Mother

Ralph's approach gave me a way to hear what was happening inside me and respond to myself with more truth and kindness. Learning from Ralph about what self love is and isn't was a game changer for me. I think what really sets him apart is the authenticity and compassion he offers due to his lived experience. I trusted him to help me navigate vulnerable interior terrain because he has become expert at walking that path himself. 

—Megan Reynolds, Organizer

I'm in my 70s and have been meditating since the Maharishi. 😊 Ralph's Unstuck class combining meditation and Internal Family Systems was a true game-changer for me. Thank you, Ralph.

Candide J, nonprofit president

I first met Ralph when he was teaching at a meditation studio in Brooklyn. I was blown away by his unique approach to processing emotions and trauma -- after all of my years in therapy, this felt like a major breakthrough.  Since then, I've continued to engage with his work over the years through his courses, workshops, meditations, and books.  Using the tools I learned from Ralph has become (almost) second-nature to me and has helped me to completely transform my relationship with myself as well as relationships with others. In addition to being a pioneer in his field, he is truly an extraordinary human and teacher -- kind, generous, inclusive, inquisitive, and always willing to share from his personal life experiences.

—Megan M, Marketing Executive

“Ralph’s brilliant, gently challenging, and beautifully human teachings have helped me find my way to a previously unimaginably wonderful relationship with myself.”

-Joan, Aging Seeker

Ralph's courses have been a valuable source of insight, connection, understanding, and community for me. I found comfort and restoration through Ralph's teachings and the safe/brave space they cultivate. For anyone searching for tools or interested in integrating therapeutic practices for mental and spiritual wellness, please give yourself time with Ralph's work. Be prepared for breakthroughs! 

Ruth Camillia, Healing Arts Practitioner/Reiki Master

Ralph's course fundamentally changed my perspective on my self and my relationship to healing. Learning IFS with Ralph, and marrying this to Theravada Buddhist meditation have brought my inner world into relief in a way that I didn't have access to even after years of cognitive behavioral therapy and meditation. I am so grateful to have met so many new parts within me and to find trust and care for all of them. I highly recommend that anyone looking to find compassion for themselves give this a try. 

R.Peddersen, Artist and Art worker (Student in Coming Home and Unstuck)

“I've been in Ralph's meditation groups on and off for about a decade now, and there is a reason I keep coming back. Not only have their offerings given me a route into healing that I did not know was possible, but Ralph frames the work in a way that gives me total autonomy over how I process and care for my own trauma, grief and the vast conditions of being alive. Putting healing into the hands of the student is powerful, essential medicine. “

Holly Sass, Artist + Bodyworker

Can trauma really be healed?
Yes. Many people are living proof of this. Just like a broken arm, the pieces of a broken heart can come back together. Just like a virus, the pain and shame can be ejected from the body. And just like with catastrophic illnesses, when healing trauma isn’t possible, it is still possible to grow new awarenesses, develop new skills, discover new choices, and reclaim joy even though there is still difficulty.

What if I can’t make the Zoom calls?

They are recorded and shrewd with the group the next day

What if I can’t or don’t keep up with all the content?
No problem. What matters most is the energy you do put in. There is no judgment, only acceptance and encouragement. If you do fall behind, you can always just pick up right where we are in the course with no pressure to get “caught up.” This path is a tightrope that’s six inches off the ground; easy to fall off, easy to get back on. 

What are private sessions like?
Imagine you go to see a therapist or coach and they already know the meditations you’ve been doing and the process you’ve been using to heal. Private sessions are an opportunity to go deep on a particular area of your life you’re stuck with. They are also an opportunity to ask questions, get recommendations, or explore meditation in a different way. Professional mentorship is also available.

What if I’m broke?
Sliding scale options are offered and if those don’t work for you, just write to Ralph at ralph@ralphdelarosa.com . No one turned away for lack of funds. Ralph was poor most of their life and had to volunteer at meditation centers and ask for financial aid in order to learn. So, no questions asked. Healing belongs to us all.

Is this suitable for beginners to meditation and/or IFS?

Is this suitable for experience and advanced practitioners?
Also yes. The integration of Buddhism and IFS Ralph offers is unique (and approved of by Richard Schwartz) and lays bare the essence of both IFS and Buddhism in a unique way. 

Does this course mean doing parts work every day?
No. You’ll be given other grounding meditations to alternate with. 2-3 parts work meditations is usually plenty, and the other meditations are crafted with both maintenance of the work and the need for soft rest in mind.

Are CEUs offered?

Not yet. 

Can I take this as a professional training so I can use IFS with clients?
Not technically, but you will learn most the core skills and processes. Also, a professional training for practitioners will be launched in 2025 and this course will be one of the pre-requisites. 

Are there any rules?
Basic decency and abstaining from bigotry. It is crucial that this space be welcoming to all folks, and especially to anyone who feels marginalized and disenfranchised in our society because of their race, gender status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, and so on. We all know what kindness and respect mean. Anything less will be addressed (with care).

I suck at meditation.
Everyone does. As neuroscientist Kelly McGonigal says, “the worse you are at meditation, the better it is for you.” 

No, really, I tried a bunch and it didn’t work for me.
Meditation is the core engine of the self-healing work presented. That said, it is approached in a way that you most likely have not encountered, with a deeper intention behind it than “stress reduction”. You have express permission to let it be messy if that’s what it is. Choose accordingly. If it isn’t for you, I do hope you find what you’re looking for!

Why meditation?
We all know change comes from within, but how much time do you spend there, within? If we want our lives to evolve, we simply must relate directly to what’s happening inside of us. Meditation offers us a self-governed home base where we can do therapeutic self-work any time, anywhere, and free of charge. Again, the meditation offered in this course isn’t stress reduction as we can find in other things like painting or hiking. This is about deep self-relationship and becoming prone to healing experiences and life-altering flashes of insight. 

Is continuing support offered after the course?
Yes. In addition to the online Heartspace: Parts Work Sangha gathering, plans are coming together for a in-person retreat to accompany this course, the next round of Amplify: IFS Guide Training, and an immersion in Buddhist study of the pivotal Lojong text. If you find yourself at the end of this course having cultivated something wonderful and wanting to continue, there will be ample options.