Naturally, we desire experiences that give us feelings of love, satisfaction, confidence, pleasure, inspiration, and awe. Neuroscience has given us ways to entrain ourselves with an ability to feel these things deeper, longer, and more often. Not only that, we can use such desirable mental states to heal stored hurts, transform stressful situations, and deepen other spiritual and healing practices we already have in our lives.

In this course, you'll:

  • Learn why your brain gives more attention to the bad things that happen than the good

  • Train your brain to experience happiness, pleasure, and appreciation more deeply and more often

  • Learn to direct this activity towards healing traumas and everyday stress

  • Explore ideas about boundaries and communication 

  • Get a script for approaching difficult conversations and saying "no"


“Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”

—Mary Oliver



You’ll get access to 4 weeks worth of content including:

*Weekly (4+) audio meditations that progressively and systematically deepen as they go

*Weekly (4) dharma talks

*Weekly handouts and journal prompts

*Though I recommend you go through this course content weekly, you will have lifetime access.
Don’t hesitate to go at your own pace.

The truth is…

The truth is, there's only one thing that can truly satisfy us in a lasting way: awakened self-love and compassion. Each of us already have it inside, but it does get covered over. When we re-discover and apply these capacities, these wholeness we seek comes naturally.

Sneak Peak from the Video Talks included in this course:


Included with purchase:
Instant access to 4 weeks of material including over four hours of dharma talks, worksheets, journal prompts
+ 7 downloadable guided meditations


“Ralph is a rare find, a teacher that exudes compassion and wisdom that combines spirituality, psychotherapy, and parts work. But more importantly it is his humanness that is a lighthouse for so many students. In a sea of teachers, he stands out as the real deal, walking a path of humility, service, and deep commitment to change."

-Mark, online course participant