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Join the OUTSHINING TRAUMA Book Launch Team


Option #1: HERO STATUS

Pre-order now and you’ll receive:

  • An invite to an exclusive online book launch (pre-orderers only)

  • A free, exclusive Lovingkindness Parts Work meditation

To claim your gifts:

  • Enter your order number on this form and then keep your eyes peeled for a special email in the coming days

Pre-ordering is the most direct and effective way to support authors as well as publishing companies.
Your pre-order helps us amplify this life-changing work

Option #2: VIP STATUS

Pre-order now and

  1. Commit to an honest review on either Amazon or Goodreads within 30 days of receiving the book

  2. One post on social media featuring the book cover

and you’ll receive:

  • An invite to an exclusive online book launch (pre-orderers only)

  • A free, exclusive Lovingkindness Parts Work meditation

  • 25% one module in any of Ralph’s online courses

  • First 20 to sign up will get a signed copy of the book directly from Ralph

To claim your gifts:

  • Complete this form after ordering and then look out for a special email in the coming days