PLEASE READ: This course asks that you commit to the full journey. You cannot sign up for just one phase of it. This is to aid in the creation of a solid container for this deep work. Some of you may be tentative or find the commitment challenging — an understandable managerial defense against the vulnerability that lies ahead. This is a major theme of the first series — that is, this course will be an opportunity to address the resistance to healing and growth that is impacting every arena of your life.
Furthermore, students empower the teacher. Your commitment on all levels — energetic, emotional, physically showing up, and the financial exchange — are what gives me the energy and psychic space to hold the container for the group, deliver the material, and so forth. If for some reason you must drop out of the course part way through, I will navigate that matter with you individually towards a fair and generous resolve.
A minimum of 10 students is required for this course to take place.
Thank you.